Insomini'hack 2017 : crypto50-cryptoquizz

Hello, young hacker. Are you ready to fight rogue machines ? Now, you'll have to prove us that you are a genuine cryptographer. (created by cryptopathe)

Running on


When the connection is estabilished..

~ Hello, young hacker. Are you ready to fight rogue machines ?
~ What is the birth year of Rafail Ostrovsky ?

..and the connection drop off after 2 secs. So, we need a prog solution.

Clearly it is a cryptographer list, maybe extracted from here: Wrote a socket script to isolate the name and fetch the birth data with this Wikipedia profile infobox parser..

## Wikipedia parser (birth data extractor)
# @author intrd - (based on @JBernardo's suggestion
# @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License -
import re, requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def wikiGet(name):
url = ''+name+'&format=xml'
res = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "xml")
#print soup.getText()
birth_re ='(Birth date(.*?)}})', soup.revisions.getText())
birth_data ='|')
print birth_data
print len(birth_data[2])
if len(birth_data[2]) == 4:
return birth_data[2]
return birth_data[1]
#dyear = wikiGet("Albert_Einstein")
#dyear = wikiGet("Daniel_Bleichenbacher")
#print dyear
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..generated this array:

fullnames = {'Serge Vaudenay': 1968, 'Ron Rivest': 1947, 'Yvo Desmedt': 1956, 'Joan Daemen': 1965, 'Antoine Joux': 1967, 'Amos Fiat': 1956, 'Daniel Bleichenbacher': 1964, 'Jacques Stern': 1949, 'Paul van Oorschot': 1962, 'Bart Preneel': 1963, 'Taher Elgamal': 1955, 'Shafi Goldwasser': 1958, 'Alex Biryukov': 1969, 'Rafail Ostrovsky': 1963, 'Mitsuru Matsui': 1961, 'Donald Davies': 1924, 'Daniel J. Bernstein': 1971, 'David Chaum': 1955, 'Oded Goldreich': 1957, 'Mihir Bellare': 1962, 'Jean-Jacques Quisquater': 1945, 'Gilles Brassard': 1955, 'Ueli Maurer': 1960, 'Silvio Micali': 1954, 'Scott Vanstone': 1947, 'Don Coppersmith': 1950, 'Bruce Schneier': 1963, 'Wang Xiaoyun': 1966, 'Claude Shannon': 1916, 'Neal Koblitz': 1948, 'Ivan Damgard': 1956, 'Vincent Rijmen': 1970, 'Amit Sahai': 1974, 'Kaisa Nyberg': 1948, 'Alan Turing': 1912, 'Markus Jakobsson': 1968, 'Adi Shamir': 1952, 'Ross Anderson': 1956, 'Whitfield Diffie': 1944, 'Jacques Patarin': 1965, 'Michael O. Rabin': 1931, 'Dan Boneh': 1969, 'Ronald Cramer': 1968, 'Claus-Peter Schnorr': 1943, 'Moni Naor': 1961, 'Horst Feistel': 1915, 'Niels Ferguson': 1965, 'Shai Halevi': 1966, 'Douglas Stinson': 1956, 'Yehuda Lindell': 1971, 'Ralph Merkle': 1952, 'Nigel P. Smart': 1967, 'Lars Knudsen': 1962, 'Victor S. Miller': 1947, 'Arjen K. Lenstra': 1956, 'Paul Kocher': 1973, 'David Naccache': 1967, 'Eli Biham': 1960, 'Tatsuaki Okamoto': 1952, 'Jim Massey': 1934, 'Martin Hellman': 1945, 'Xuejia Lai': 1954 }
  • Some cryptographer from this list is not a celebrety and the profile infobox is incomplete, at this cases you need to extract the birth year by hand.

Now simply loop into a socket..


Full script

## Parser to crypto50-cryptoquizz @ insomni'hack 2017
# @author intrd -
# @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License -
# -
# -
import re, sys, string, time
from int_netcat import Netcat
from int_wiki import wikiGet
#filled w/ int_wiki.wikiGet()
fullnames = {'Serge Vaudenay': 1968, 'Ron Rivest': 1947, 'Yvo Desmedt': 1956, 'Joan Daemen': 1965, 'Antoine Joux': 1967, 'Amos Fiat': 1956, 'Daniel Bleichenbacher': 1964, 'Jacques Stern': 1949, 'Paul van Oorschot': 1962, 'Bart Preneel': 1963, 'Taher Elgamal': 1955, 'Shafi Goldwasser': 1958, 'Alex Biryukov': 1969, 'Rafail Ostrovsky': 1963, 'Mitsuru Matsui': 1961, 'Donald Davies': 1924, 'Daniel J. Bernstein': 1971, 'David Chaum': 1955, 'Oded Goldreich': 1957, 'Mihir Bellare': 1962, 'Jean-Jacques Quisquater': 1945, 'Gilles Brassard': 1955, 'Ueli Maurer': 1960, 'Silvio Micali': 1954, 'Scott Vanstone': 1947, 'Don Coppersmith': 1950, 'Bruce Schneier': 1963, 'Wang Xiaoyun': 1966, 'Claude Shannon': 1916, 'Neal Koblitz': 1948, 'Ivan Damgard': 1956, 'Vincent Rijmen': 1970, 'Amit Sahai': 1974, 'Kaisa Nyberg': 1948, 'Alan Turing': 1912, 'Markus Jakobsson': 1968, 'Adi Shamir': 1952, 'Ross Anderson': 1956, 'Whitfield Diffie': 1944, 'Jacques Patarin': 1965, 'Michael O. Rabin': 1931, 'Dan Boneh': 1969, 'Ronald Cramer': 1968, 'Claus-Peter Schnorr': 1943, 'Moni Naor': 1961, 'Horst Feistel': 1915, 'Niels Ferguson': 1965, 'Shai Halevi': 1966, 'Douglas Stinson': 1956, 'Yehuda Lindell': 1971, 'Ralph Merkle': 1952, 'Nigel P. Smart': 1967, 'Lars Knudsen': 1962, 'Victor S. Miller': 1947, 'Arjen K. Lenstra': 1956, 'Paul Kocher': 1973, 'David Naccache': 1967, 'Eli Biham': 1960, 'Tatsuaki Okamoto': 1952, 'Jim Massey': 1934, 'Martin Hellman': 1945, 'Xuejia Lai': 1954 }
nc = Netcat('', 1031)
data=nc.read_until(' ?')
while 1:
print(data)'of (.*) \?', data).group(1)
#name.replace(" ", "_") #to search w/ int_wiki.wikiGet()
print name
for i in fullnames.items():
if i[0] == name:
print str(i[1])
nc.write(str(i[1]) + '\n')
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